1. Get the Latitude and Longitude of your map
- Go to http://www.satsig.net/maps/lat-long-finder.htm and enter in the address. Click Go!
- Go to https://developers.google.com/maps/signup and enter in the website URL, then generate a key (this will need to be done twice, once for the dev site and again when we knew the live URL.
3. Get the JS code for to place it in you block
- Go to http://mapmaker.donkeymagic.co.uk/ and enter in the Latitude and Longitude [Step 1].
- Give the marker a name such as "myMarker".
- Enter in the address into the Popup Content box.
- Click Add marker.
- Then click the"Share map" button
- Select JavaScript tab and you will see code generated. Copy that code.
- Then within the function loadMap(), replace:
- icon0.image = "http://www.google.com/mapfiles/marker.png"; icon0.shadow = "http://www.google.com/mapfiles/shadow50.png";
- with
- icon0.image = "/sites/all/themes/THEMENAME/images/MARKER-NAME.png"; icon0.shadow = "/sites/all/themes/THEMENAME/images/MARKER-SHADOW-NAME.png";